What is the meaning of the WHELM medical abbreviation?
In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the WHELM abbreviation. However, what is the medical term WHELM?
WHELM medical abbreviation, what does it mean?
In science & medicine, the WHELM medical term mean Work Health and Emotional Lives of Midwives.
WHELM: Work Health and Emotional Lives of Midwives
Related Medical Abbreviations
D/A | date of admission |
GPLN | Global Polio Laboratory Network |
IPPB | intermittent positive pressure breathing |
L85 | Leiden-85 cohort |
MRKC | Medical Record Keeping Course |
NCDA | National Center for Deaf Advocacy |
PFSH | Past Family and/or Social History |
PMRC | Pakistan Medical Research Council |
RWF | Rabbit Welfare Fund |
VNTR | Variable number tandem repeat analysis |
ZBH | Zero Balance Horizontal |