What does the medical abbreviation WFHE mean?
In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the WFHE abbreviation. Here is the meaning of WFHE mean in medical terms.
WFHE medical abbreviation, what does it mean?
In science & medicine, the medical term WFHE means Waiting for Health Equity.
WFHE: Waiting for Health Equity
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MPDP | Medical Product Development Program |
NSIAD | Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (medication) |
OMSF | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation |
RSVP | Rapid Syntactic Visual Processing |
SDMC | Sime Darby Medical Centre |
WABB | Wisconsin Association of Blood Banks |
WSHS | West Suburban Humane Society |
ZR | Zoological Registrar |