What is the meaning of the medical abbreviation VAOU?
The VAOU abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. Below is the meaning of VAOU abbreviation in medical terms.
What is the meaning of VAOU medical abbreviation?
In medicine, the medical abbreviation VAOU means Visual acuity, both eyes.
VAOU: Visual acuity, both eyes
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BMs | Bowel Movements |
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FSCL | Fuel Synthesis and Catalysis Laboratory |
ISE | Initial Sensitizing Event |
KPPH | Kamphaeng Phet Provincial Hospital |
MxT | myringotomy and tubes |
NASSA | Noradrenergic And Specific Serotonergic Antidepressant |
VACU | Via Anesthesia Care Unit |
WAGD | Waste Anesthesia Gas Disposal |