What is the meaning of TALC medical abbreviation?

What does TALC mean in medical terms?

In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the TALC abbreviation. However, what is the medical term TALC?

What is TALC medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, it is Test of Abstract Language Comprehension the medical abbreviation TALC stands for.

TALC: Test of Abstract Language Comprehension

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IJACMInternational Journal of Anesthesia and Clinical Medicine
MSEmental status examination
PDGPhysicians Development Group
PLpalmaris longus
PRINCEit is a therapy given to treat injuries just like other like, PRICE, RICE. it stands for Protection Rest Ice Nsaid’s Compression and Elevation. here Nsaid’s stand for Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
RCCPRegistration Council for Clinical Physiologists
RCKRegulates Conduction of Potassium (K = Potassium)
SSIDService de Soins Infirmiers Domicile (French: Department of Nursing Homes)
WRAHWalter Reed Army Hospital
WSWwomen who have sex with women