What is the medical abbreviation TADTS?
In some cases, the abbreviation TADTS may have a few different meanings. However, what is the meaning of the TADTS medical abbreviation?
What is the meaning of TADTS medical abbreviation?
In medicine, the medical abbreviation TADTS stands for Texas Alcohol and Drug Testing Service.
TADTS: Texas Alcohol and Drug Testing Service
Related Medical Abbreviations
ABVT | American Board of Veterinary Toxicology |
ARNP | Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner |
ASIH | Absent Sick In Hospital |
CPCP | Cancer Prevention and Control Program |
CT3 | Troponin T-C Antibody |
HJJF | Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes |
NOMV | Native Outer Membrane Vesicle |
POT PHOS | POTassium PHOSphate |
UPG | Unverified Personal Gnosis |
VHF | very high frequency; viral hemorrhagic fever |
WCPT | World Congress of Physical Therapy |