What does the medical term PCNR mean?
In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the PCNR abbreviation. However, what does the abbreviation PCNR mean in medical terms?
PCNR medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?
In medicine, the medical abbreviation PCNR stands for Primary Care Nursing Review.
PCNR: Primary Care Nursing Review
Related Medical Abbreviations
CIG | Center for Integrative Genomics |
FEB | Flesh Eating Bacteria |
HIV- | Human Immunodeficiency Virus Negative |
MCDR | Manitoba Coordinated Disease Response |
MDS/RAI/PPS | Minimum Data Set / Resident Assessment Protocols / Prospective Payment System |
Matty | Maternity [U.K.] |
REDS | Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study |
RWMC | Roger Williams Medical Center |
TOSH | Teaching Oral Systemic Health |
UMMC | United Memorial Medical Center |
WSTN | Water Specific Therapy Network |