What does AGILE mean in medical abbreviation?
What is the meaning of AGILE medical abbreviation? In the medical field, the AGILE medical abbreviation stands for Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe.
What is the meaning of AGILE medical abbreviation? In the medical field, the AGILE medical abbreviation stands for Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe.
MINDS medical abbreviation, what does it mean? In science & medicine, the meaning of the MINDS medical abbreviation is Medical Information Network Distribution Service.
What does SCFL medical abbreviation stand for? In the medical field, the SCFL medical abbreviation stands for Secondary Cutaneous Follicular Lymphoma.
What does MeOH mean in medical abbreviation? In the medicine field, the medical abbreviation MeOH means methyl alcohol.
SCOT medical abbreviation, what does it mean? In science & medicine, the medical term SCOT means Structural Clinical Observation Test.
What is the D&C medical abbreviation? In medicine, the medical abbreviation D&C stands for Dilatation and Currettage.
What is the WGWC medical abbreviation? In science & medicine, the medical term WGWC means Without Gluten Without Casein.
What is PANDAS medical abbreviation? In medicine, the medical abbreviation PANDAS means Paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections.
What does PAGRIT medical abbreviation mean? In science & medicine, the PAGRIT medical abbreviation is the meaning of Pre-Targeted Antibody Guided Radio Immuno Therapy.
What is the TDRP medical abbreviation? In medicine, the medical abbreviation TDRP means Travelling Diabetes Resource Program.