What is SCOVE medical abbreviation?
SCOVE medical abbreviation, what does it mean? In the medical field, the SCOVE medical term stands for Standing Committee On Veterinary Education.
SCOVE medical abbreviation, what does it mean? In the medical field, the SCOVE medical term stands for Standing Committee On Veterinary Education.
What does LVTD stand for in medical abbreviation? In science & medicine, the medical term LVTD means Lehigh Valley Therapy Dogs.
What is the meaning of WPATH medical abbreviation? In medicine, the medical term WPATH stands for World Professional Association for Transgender Health.
What does EAHC stand for in medical abbreviation? In medicine, the medical term EAHC stands for Executive Agency for Health and Consumers.
What is the PULS medical abbreviation? In the medical field, However, the medical abbreviation PULS stands for Physiology Undergraduate League of Students.
NA medical abbreviation, what does it stand for? In the medical field, the NA medical abbreviation stands for Not Available; also Sodium.
What is the meaning of IATA medical abbreviation? In the medical field, the IATA medical term stands for Illinois Art Therapy Association.
ICPN medical abbreviation, what does it mean? In science & medicine, the meaning of the ICPN medical abbreviation is International Chili Pepper Nursery.
VMSC medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it? In science & medicine, the VMSC medical abbreviation is the meaning of Volunteer Medical Service Corps.
MFHT medical abbreviation, what does it mean? In the science & medicine field, the abbreviation MFHT means Marathon Family Health Team.