What does NNP mean in medical terms?
There may be more than one meaning of NNP. Below is the meaning of NNP abbreviation in medical terms.
NNP medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?
In science & medicine, it is Neo- Natal Program the medical abbreviation NNP stands for.
NNP: Neo- Natal Program
Related Medical Abbreviations
BDR | Background Diabetic Retinopathy |
CEAP | Clinical Etiologic Anatomic Pathophysiologic |
FAPH | Fellowship in Applied Public Health |
HGT | Hospitality Group Training |
IMAT | International Medical Admissions Test |
M-CSF | macrophage colony-stimulating factor |
MATI | Medication Assisted Treatment Initiative |
PMNA | Pilot Model of Nursing Assessment |
Q2H | Every 2 Hours |
SENCO | Special Educational Needs Coordinator |
TDLo | lowest dose resulting in a toxic effect |