What is the medical definition of NCSTDPCC abbreviation?
In some cases, there may be more than one meaning of NCSTDPCC. However, what does the abbreviation NCSTDPCC stand for in medical terms?
What is the meaning of NCSTDPCC medical abbreviation?
In the medicine field, the NCSTDPCC abbreviation stands for National center for Sexually -Transmitted disease prevention and control.
NCSTDPCC: National center for Sexually -Transmitted disease prevention and control
Related Medical Abbreviations
A&P | Anterior and Posterior |
AAE | Antibody Affinity Extraction |
ATOD | Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug |
CPE | chronic pulmonary emphysema |
DRCF | Dean Randazzo Cancer Foundation |
INK | Injury not known |
OPSW | Office of Physician and Student Wellness |
OSCI | Ordinal Scale for Clinical Improvement |
RCK | Regulates Conduction of Potassium (K = Potassium) |
RTCL | Real Time Computing Laboratory |
WLE | Wide Local Excision |