What is the medical term NADAC?
In some cases, there may be more than one meaning of NADAC. However, what does the abbreviation NADAC mean in medical terms?
What does NADAC medical abbreviation stand for?
In the medicine field, the medical abbreviation NADAC means National Average Drug Acquisition Cost.
NADAC: National Average Drug Acquisition Cost
Related Medical Abbreviations
DDDC | Douglass Developmental Disabilities Center |
GLL | Global Learning Laboratory |
IV | Intravenous |
MISPH | Milken Institute School of Public Health |
MRCI | Medication Regimen Complexity Index |
MSE | mental status examination |
R/B | Referred By; Relieved By |
RCR | replication competent retrovirus |
SESD | Science Education for Students With Disabilities |
SIO | Society for Integrative Oncology |
WNAI | West Nile virus Asymptomatic Infection |