If you are one medical biller or coder, or you are studying a medical billing and coding program, you might know that the Medical Billing and Medical Coding Abbreviations made it easier to understand medical professional terms.

When you strive for a medical billing and coding career, you can expect to come in to encounter a wide variety of Abbreviations and terms that are commonly used in the healthcare industry.
Improving your medical billing and coding vocabulary is one good method to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to your employers.
Medical Billing and Medical Coding Abbreviations
Below is a list of medical Abbreviations includes the most commonly used Medical Billing and Coding Abbreviations, it might help you to growing your medical billing and coding vocabulary.
Abbreviations | Meaning of Medical Billing and Coding Acronyms |
AAHAM | American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management |
ABN | Advance Beneficiary Notice |
ACA | Affordable Care Act |
ACH | Automated Clearing House |
ACO | Accountable Care Organization |
ACN | Attachment Control Number |
ACPS | Advanced Claims Processing System |
AHA | American Hospital Association |
AHCA | American Health Care Association |
ALOS | Average Length of Stay |
AMA | American Medical Association (The American Medical Association is a lobbying group and professional association made up of Doctors of Medicine (MD), Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) and medical students.) |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
AO | Accreditation Organization |
AOB | Assignment of Benefits |
ARU | Automated Response Unit |
ASC | Ambulatory Surgical Center |
ASCA | Administrative Simplification Compliance Act |
ATD | Applied to deductibles |
BAC | Beneficiary Advisory Committee |
BAU | Bill Adjustment Unit |
BCBS | Blue Cross Blue Shield |
BCRC | Benefits Coordination and Recovery Center |
BENE | Beneficiary |
BHI | Bureau of Health Insurance |
BHO | Behavioral Health Organization |
BI | Benefits Integrity |
BIB | Benefits Integrity Branch |
BIL | Bodily Injury Liability |
BIP | Bill in Process |
BIS | Benefit Integrity System |
BMA | Bio-Medical Association |
BMAD | Part B Medicare Annual Data |
BT | Bill Type |
BUD | Beneficiary Utilization Data File |
CARC | Claims Adjustment Reason Code |
CAS | Claim Adjustment Segment |
CB | Consolidated Billing |
CBR | Comparative Billing Report |
CBSS | Customer billing Services System |
CC | Condition Code |
CCEs | Coordinated Care Entities |
CCI | Correct coding initiative |
CCM | Chronic Care Management |
CCN | Correspondence Control number |
CCN | Claim Control Number |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
CDSM | Clinical Decision support Mechanism |
CE | Covered Entity |
CEHRT | Certified EHR Technology |
CELIP | Claim Expansion Line Item Processing |
CER | Clerical Error Reopening |
CF | Conversion Factor |
CFC | Condition for Coverage |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CHAMPUS | CivilianHealth and MedicalProgram of Uniformed Services. |
CHAMPVA | CivilianHealth and MedicalProgram of Veterans Administration. |
CHECC | Consumer Health Education Coordinator committee |
CLIA | Clinical Laboratory Improvements Amendments of 1998 |
CLT | Lifetime Reserve |
CMHC | Community Mental Health Center |
CMN | Certificate of Medical Necessity |
CMR | Comprehensive Medical Review |
CMS | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |
CMS-1500 | Professional Claim form |
CMSCE | Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services Continuing Education Program |
CNS | Clinical Nurse Specialist |
CO | Central Office |
COB | Coordination of Benefits |
COBRA | Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act |
COP | Condition of Participation |
CORF | Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation facility |
CP | Clinical Psychologist |
CP | Claim processing |
CPAP | Continuous Positive Airway Pressure |
CPB | Certified Professional Biller |
CPC | Certified Professional Coder |
CPCM | Claims processing Coding Manuel |
CPT | Current Procedural Terminology |
CPT | Claim processing Unit |
CQM | Clinical Quality Measure |
DAB | Departmental Appeals board |
DCI | Duplicate Coverage Inquiry |
DCN | Document Control Number |
DEA | Drug Enforcement Administration |
DEMO | Demographic |
DME | Durable Medical Equipment |
DOB | Date of Birth |
DOD | Date of Death |
DOE | Date of Entitlement |
DOI | Date of Injury |
DOJ | U.S Department of Justice |
DOS | Date of Service |
DRG | Diagnosis Related Group (DRGs are groups that a patient is classified into based on the treatment procedures they received.) |
DUR | Drug Utilization Review |
DX | Diagnosis |
E-Codes | External Codes |
E&M | Evaluation and management |
eCQM | Electronic Clinical Quality Measures |
ED | Emergency Department |
EDB | Enrollment Database |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer |
EGHP | Employer Group Health Plan |
EHR | Electronic Health Record |
EIN | Employer Identification Number |
EMR | Electronic Medical records |
EMT | Emergency Medical Technician |
EMTALA | Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act |
EOB | Explanation of Benefits |
EOC | Episode of Care |
EOMB | Explanation of Medicare Benefits |
EP | Eligible Professional |
EPO | Exclusive Provider Organization |
ER | Emergency Room |
ERA | Electronic Remittance Advice |
eRx | Electronic Prescribing |
ESRD | End-Stage Renal Disease |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Question |
FFS | Fee For Service |
FI | Fiscal Intermediary |
FICA | Federal Insurance Contributions Act |
FID | Fraud investigation Database |
FISS | Fiscal Intermediary Standard System |
FQHC | Federally Qualified Health Center |
FY | Fiscal Year |
GAO | U.S Government Accountability Office |
GHP | Group Health Plan |
HAC | Hospital-Acquired Condition |
HCFA | Healthcare Financing Administration |
HCFA-1500 | Professional Claim form |
HCPCS | Healthcare common Procedure coding system |
HCRA | Health care Reform Act |
HETS | HIPPA Eligibility transaction System |
HH | Home Health |
HH PPS | Home Health Prospective Payment system |
HHA | Home Health Agency |
HICN | Health Insurance Claim Number |
HIE | Health Information Exchange |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |
HIPPS | Health Insurance Prospective and Payment System |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
HMO | Health Maintenance Organization (A HMO is a type of insurance group that provides services through a localized network of doctors and other care providers.) |
HPSA | Health Professional Shortage Area |
IACS | Individual Authorized to Access CMS Computer Services |
IBT | Intensive Behavioral Therapy |
ICD | International Classification of Diseases |
ICD-10 | International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision |
ICD-9 | International Classification of Disease, 9th revision |
ICF | International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health |
ICN | Internal Control Number |
ICU | Intensive Care Unit |
IDTF | Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility |
IHS | Indian Health Service |
INN | In Network |
IPF | Inpatient Psychiatric Facility |
IPF PPS | Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Prospective Payment System |
IPPE | Initial Preventive Physical examination |
IPPS | Inpatient Prospective Payment System |
IRF | Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility |
IRF PPS | Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System |
IVR | Interactive Voice Response |
LCD | Local Coverage Determination |
LIDOS | Line Item Date Of Service |
LOS | Length of Stay |
LPN | Licensed Practical Nurse |
LTAC | Long-Term Acute Care |
LTC | Long-Term Care |
LTCH | Long-Term Care Hospital |
LTCH PPS | Long-Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System |
MA | Medicare Advantage |
MAC | Medicare Administrative Contractor |
MACRA | Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act |
MAO | Medical Advantage Organization |
MBI | Medicare Beneficiary Identifier |
MCD | Medicare Coverage Database |
MCE | Medicare Code Editor |
MCP | Managed Care Plan |
MDH | Medicare Dependent Hospital |
MEDIGAP | Medicare GAP ( Medicare Supplement Insurance) |
MLN | Medicare Learning Network |
MLN LMS | Medicare Learning Network, Learning Management System |
MMA | Medicare Modernization Act |
MOON | Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice |
MR | Medical Review |
MREP | Medicare Remit Easy Print |
MRN | Medical Record Number |
MS-DRG | Medicare Severity-Diagnosis Related Group |
MSN | Medicare Summary Notice |
MSP | Medicare Secondary Payer |
MUE | Medically Unlikely Edit |
MVA | Motor Vehicle accident |
N/C | Non-Covered charge |
NCCI | National Correct coding Initiative |
NCD | National Coverage Determination |
NCPDP | National Council for Prescription Drug Programs |
NDC | National Drug Code |
NEC | Not Elsewhere Classifiable |
NOS | Not Otherwise Specified |
NP | Nurse Practitioner |
NPI | National Provider Identifier |
NPPES | National Plan and Provider Enumeration System |
OCE | Outpatient Code Editor |
OOA | Out of Area |
OON | Out of Network |
OOP | Out of Pocket |
OP | Out Patient |
OPPS | Outpatient Prospective Payment System |
OPT | Outpatient Physical Therapy |
OT | Occupational Therapy |
OTAF | Obligated to Accept as Payment in Full |
P-Auth | Prior Authorization |
PA | Physician Assistant |
PACE | Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly |
PAP | Positive Airway Pressure |
PCN | Primary Care Network |
PCP | Primary Care Physician |
PDL | Preferred Drug List |
PECOS | Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System |
PFFS | Private Fee For Service |
PFFS | Provider Fee for Service Plan |
PFS | Physician Fee Schedule |
PHI | Protected Health Information |
PI | Program Integrity |
PIN | Provider Identification Number |
POA | Present on Admission |
POC | Plan of Care |
POS | Place of Service |
POS | Point of Service |
PPO | Preferred Provider Organization |
PPPS | Personalized Prevention Plan Service |
PQRS | Physician Quality Reporting System |
PT | Physical Therapy |
PT | Patient |
PTAN | Provider Transaction Access Number |
PTFL | Past Timely Filling Limit |
QDWI | Qualified Disabled and Working Individuals |
QI | Qualifying Individual |
QMB | Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries |
QPP | Quality Payment Program |
R-Auth | Retro Authorization |
RA | Remittance Advice |
RAC | Recovery Audit Contractor |
RARC | Remittance Advice Remark Code |
RHC | Rural Health Clinic |
RN | Registered Nurse |
ROI | Release of Information |
RRB | Railroad Retirement Board |
RRC | Rural Referral Center |
RTP | Return to Provider |
RVS | Relative Value Scale |
RVU | Relative Value Unit |
SCHIP | State Children’s Health Insurance Program |
SLMB | Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries |
SMAC | Specialty Medicare Administrative Contractor |
SNF | Skilled Nursing Facility |
SNFABN | SNF Advance Beneficiary Notice of No coverage |
SNP | Specials Need Plan |
SOF | Signature on File |
SSA | Social Security Act |
SSN | Social Security Number |
SSO | Short-Stay Outlier |
TAR | Treatment Authorization Request |
TC | Technical Component |
TCN | Transaction Control Number |
TFL | Timely Filling Limit |
TIN | Tax Identification Number |
TOB | Type of Bill |
TOP | Triple Option Plan |
TOS | Type of Service |
TPA | Third Party Administrators |
TPL | Third Party Liability |
UB-04 | Hospital Claim |
UB-92 | Universal Billing Form |
UHDDS | Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set |
UPIN | Unique Physician Identification Number |
UR | Ultization Review |
V-Codes | Vaccination codes |
WA | Working Aged |
WC | Workers Compensation |
WHO | World Health Organization (WHO is a sub-agency of the United Nations that is responsible for worldwide public health.) |
WO | Write Off |
ZIP | Zonal Improvement Plan |