What does JUH mean in medical terms?
There may be more than one meaning of JUH. However, what is the meaning of the medical term JUH?
What does JUH medical abbreviation mean?
In medicine, the medical abbreviation JUH means Jordan University Hospital.
JUH: Jordan University Hospital
Related Medical Abbreviations
CITC | Clinical Investigator Training Course |
CPM POL | ChlorPheniraMine POListirex |
DNCE | Division of Non-prescripton Clinical Evaluation |
ECY | Evaluated Clinical Year |
EIF | Echogenic Intracardiac Focus |
FBR | Fast Bone Regeneration |
HABITS | Health and Addictive Behaviors Investigating Transtheoretical Solutions |
PBCI | Palm Beach Cancer Institute |
PTPO | Porcine Thyroid PerOxidase |
USDOI | United States Department of the Interior |
WGME | Western Group on Medical Education |