What does the medical term IPAP mean?
There may be more than one meaning of IPAP. However, what does the medical term IPAP stand for?
What does IPAP mean in medical abbreviation?
In the medicine field, the medical abbreviation IPAP means inspired positive airway pressure.
IPAP: inspired positive airway pressure
Related Medical Abbreviations
APCR | Activated Protein C Resistance |
CSPM | California School of Podiatric Medicine |
NASDA | National Association of State Departments of Agriculture |
NMPL | Northeast Medical Products Laboratory |
PTNA | Pituitary Tumor Network Association |
PXR | Pregnane X Receptor |
RANV | Recombinant ANnexin V |
TEMS | Trenton Emergency Medical Service |
USCS | United States Cancer Statistics |
Y/A | Years of age |
nmda | N-methyl-D-aspartate |