What does IFHA medical abbreviation mean?

What does the IFHA medical term mean?

Sometimes, there may be more than one meaning of the IFHA abbreviation. However, what does the IFHA medical term stand for?

What does IFHA mean in medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the IFHA medical abbreviation is the meaning of Investment Funds for Health in Africa.

IFHA: Investment Funds for Health in Africa

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ARUAcute Rehabilitation Unit
CHOICESConsortium for Health Outcomes Innovation and Cost Effectiveness Studies
EPBextensor pollicis brevis
GCEGlycine encephalopathy
IDDEIodine Deficiency Disorder Elimination
MDFMassively Damp Fungus
MGIAMycobacterial Growth Inhibition Assay
VLCADvery long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
WGCDWhole Genome Composition Distance
WMISWestchester Medical Imaging Services