What does HERMES mean in medical terms?
In some cases, the abbreviation HERMES may have a few different meanings. However, what does the HERMES medical term mean?
What is the meaning of HERMES medical abbreviation?
In science & medicine, the HERMES medical term mean Health and Education Research Management and Epidemiologic Services.
HERMES: Health and Education Research Management and Epidemiologic Services
Related Medical Abbreviations
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EBRS | European Biological Rhythms Society |
EPLR | Early Pregnancy Loss Rate |
GV | Gentian Violet |
ISET | International Symposium on Endovascular Therapy |
NDPD | Noninflammatory Destructive Periodontal Disease |
OCOCA | Ovarian Cancer Orange County Alliance (California) |
OKG | Ornithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate |
SATHI | South Asian Total Health Initiative |
YMHB | Youth Mental Health Building |
pts | patient, patients |