h/a medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

What does the h/a medical term stand for?

There may be a few different meanings of the abbreviation h/a. However, what is the medical abbreviation h/a?

What is the h/a medical abbreviation?

In medicine, the medical term h/a stands for headache.

h/a: headache

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CARNCertified Addictions Registered Nurse
COFSCerebro-oculo-facio-skeletal syndrome
CRTUClinical Research Trials Units
IIAMInternational Institute for the Advancement of Medicine
LSWLeft sided weakness
NYOBNo Year Of Birth
REBRebound, as in rebound tenderness of the abdomen when pushed in and then released.
RNCBRegistered Nurse Class B
STMHStudent Trainee Mental Health
TAHBSOTotal Abdominal Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo Oophorectomy