What is the meaning of the medical term FUTU?
In some cases, there may be more than one meaning of FUTU. However, what is FUTU in medical terms?
What does FUTU stand for in medical abbreviation?
In medicine, the medical term FUTU stands for Foot Ulcer Trials Unit.
FUTU: Foot Ulcer Trials Unit
Related Medical Abbreviations
AANN | American Association of Neuroscience Nurses |
AFO | AIDS Focal Office |
ARHJ | Advocates for Reproductive Health Justice |
HDLC | high density lipoprotein cholesterol |
MCBP | Mechanisms of Cancer Biology Program |
MESH | Mobile Expanded School Health |
OICD | Ojha Institute of Chest Diseases |
SARPE | Surgically-Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion |
SDK | Skin Development Kit |
TVLA | Tanzania Veterinary Laboratory Agency |
UIS | Ulnar Impaction Syndrome |