What is the meaning of the FAMN medical abbreviation?
In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the FAMN abbreviation. However, what is FAMN in medical terms?
What is the meaning of FAMN medical abbreviation?
In science & medicine, the meaning of the FAMN medical abbreviation is Fellowship of American Assembly of Men in Nursing.
FAMN: Fellowship of American Assembly of Men in Nursing
Related Medical Abbreviations
AHMS | Advanced Health Management Systems |
BDR | Background Diabetic Retinopathy |
DAFH | Dar Al Fouad Hospital |
JCJ | Joint Controlled Joints |
LMNB | Lower Motor Neuron Bowels |
PROS | Paediatric Radiation Oncology Society |
PSS | physiologic saline solution; progressive systemic sclerosis |
SJRA | South Jersey Radiology Associates |
SSWD | Sea Star Wasting Disease |
VZR | Varicella Zoster Retinitus |
s/w | somewhat |