What does CRPS medical abbreviation mean?

What is the meaning of the medical term CRPS?

In some cases, the abbreviation CRPS may have a few different meanings. However, what is the meaning of the medical abbreviation CRPS?

What is CRPS medical abbreviation?

In the science & medicine, the meaning of the medical abbreviation CRPS is complex regional pain syndrome.

CRPS: complex regional pain syndrome

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BLSbasic life support
BPRDBiopsy Proven Renal Disease
CBVMContinuous Blood Volume Monitoring
CPHRCCenter for Public Health Readiness and Communication
FGTfemale genital tract
HRHPHolistic Reproductive Health Practitioner
ICSMIntegrative Centers for Science and Medicine
TCRNTrauma Certified Registered Nurse
WTVNAWild-Type Virus Neutralization Assay