What does the medical term COTA stand for?
Sometimes, there may be more than one meaning of the COTA abbreviation. However, what does the COTA medical term mean?
COTA medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?
In the medical field, the medical abbreviation COTA stands for certified occupational therapy assistant.
COTA: certified occupational therapy assistant
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11R | 11( hilar vessel nodes’ station) Right (side) |
AET | Allergy Elimination Treatments |
AINM | American Institute of Naturopathic Medicine |
Actb | Beta Actin |
BK [virus] | BK being the initials of index patient for the virus |
CIB | Clinical Investigations Branch |
CMTA | Consent To Medical Treatment Act |
EUPREN | European Primate Resources Network |
FACS | Fellow, American College of Surgeons; fluorescence-activated cell sorter |
ISEM | Institute of Sport and Exercise Medicine |
SLMC | Sri Lanka Medical Council |