What does BUMC stand for in medical abbreviation?

What does the abbreviation BUMC stand for in medical terms?

Sometimes, there may be more than one meaning of the BUMC abbreviation. However, what does the abbreviation BUMC stand for in medical terms?

What does BUMC stand for in medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the medical abbreviation BUMC stands for Baylor University Medical Center.

BUMC: Baylor University Medical Center

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AOMPEBAmerican Osteopathic Manual Practice Examining Board
BOMbilateral otitis media
BTTCBrain Tumor Trials Collaborative
CRIMECenter for Research in Medical Education
ESSEmpty sella syndrome
JAKJanus Activated Kinase
JHEJournal of Healthcare Engineering
MMPRMarihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations
MSCCMetastatic spinal cord compression
PRCFPost Residency Clinical Fellowship