What does the BMLS medical term mean?
In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the BMLS abbreviation. However, what does BMLS mean in medical terms?
What is BMLS medical abbreviation?
In science & medicine, it is Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science the medical abbreviation BMLS stands for.
BMLS: Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science
Related Medical Abbreviations
ED | Erectile Dysfunction |
Gly | glycine |
INSB | International Nursery School Belgrade |
MCHG | Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou |
MEFR | maximum expiratory flow rate |
MSAV | Medical Scientists Association of Victoria |
NSG | Nursing |
PMCL | Precision Measurement and Control Laboratory |
TAHU | Texas Association of Health Underwriters |
UVCE | Unit for Veterinary Continuing Education (of the RVC) |
VZU | Ventricular Zone Upper |