What does BKWP medical abbreviation stand for?

What does medical abbreviation BKWP mean?

The abbreviation BKWP may have a few different meanings. However, what does the abbreviation BKWP mean in medical terms?

What is the BKWP medical abbreviation?

In the medical field, However, the medical abbreviation BKWP stands for Badania Kliniczne – Wyszukiwarka Projektów – clinical trials project search.

BKWP: Badania Kliniczne – Wyszukiwarka Projektów – clinical trials project search

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ARIPHHAssociate of the Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene
FEMEFamilial Essential Myoclonus and Epilepsy
HATSHorse Alternative Therapeutic Services
HFOCHealth Fee Oversight Committee
IIBInstituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas
IMIMInternational Master in Innovative Medicine
MCHGModern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou
SCHCShasta Community Health Center
STIsSexual Transmitted Infections
VETNNETVeterinary Nursing Network (Europe-wide)