What does the medical term ARTH stand for?
There may be a few different meanings of the abbreviation ARTH. However, what does the ARTH medical term mean?
ARTH medical abbreviation, what does it mean?
In the science & medicine field, the abbreviation ARTH means Action Research and Training for Health.
ARTH: Action Research and Training for Health
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ESES | Electrical Status Epilepticus in Sleep |
GSF | Genetic Susceptibility Factor |
HDFN | Human Dermal Fibroblasts neonatal |
IDPI | Inhaled, Dry Powder Insulin |
MNPI | Maternal neonatal program index |
PDCS | Person Directed Clinical Services |
PRRE | Pupils Round, Regular, and Equal |
SCTU | Specialty Care Transport Unit |
SHWP | Student Health and Wellness Programs |
VP | Ventriculo-Peritoneal |