What does AO medical abbreviation mean?

What does the medical abbreviation AO stand for?

Sometimes, there may be more than one meaning of the AO abbreviation. However, what does the AO medical term stand for?

AO medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In the medical field, the AO medical term stands for Angle Of …..

AO: Angle Of ….

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AVIAuditory and Visually Inept
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DDMRDirected DNA Mismatch Repair
HHFCHistorical Health Fraud Collection
IHTInteractive Health Technologies
LMILaboratory of Mathematics in Imaging
MRHDMaximum Recommended Human Dose
NLPANational Livestock Producers Association (USA)
SHALAStanford Health and Lifestyle Assessment
TIVATotal Intra-Venous Anesthesia
XGHRXenopus laevis G H gene Receptor