What is the medical abbreviation MDIP?
In some cases, the abbreviation MDIP may have a few different meanings. However, what is the medical abbreviation MDIP?
What does MDIP mean in medical abbreviation?
In science & medicine, the medical term MDIP means Medical Device Innovation Programme.
MDIP: Medical Device Innovation Programme
Related Medical Abbreviations
DLC | Disability Law Center |
FBW | Followup Blood Work |
FEHB | Federal Employee Health Benefits |
IRCU | Intermediate Respiratory Care Unit |
NGIP | Nursing Global Innovation Project |
NMJ | neuromuscular junction |
OESS | Office of Epidemiology and Scientific Support |
PAMO | Pan Arab Medical Organizers |
SIL(S) | Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion(S) |
SSBT | Southern School of Beauty Therapy |
TAGME | Training Administrators of Graduate Medical Education |