What does the medical term HFPSC stand for?
Sometimes, there may be more than one meaning of the HFPSC abbreviation. However, what is HFPSC in medical terms?
What does HFPSC mean in medical abbreviation?
In science & medicine, the HFPSC medical term mean Health and Family Planning Supervision Center.
HFPSC: Health and Family Planning Supervision Center
Related Medical Abbreviations
ACRP | Academic Clinical Research Professional |
AHW | Auxiliary Health Worker |
APLS | Advanced Pediatric Life Support |
APRBC | Anthracycline Primary Resistant Breast Cancer |
DNQ | Directorate of Nursing and Quality |
ERIN | Environmental Resources Information Network (Australia) |
IGO | International governmental organisation |
OCTC | Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre |
ONL | Office of National Laboratories |
RITA | Recent Infection Treatment Algorithm |
TED | thrombo embolic deterrent |