What is the meaning of the POSHO medical abbreviation?
In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the POSHO abbreviation. However, what is the meaning of the POSHO medical abbreviation?
POSHO medical abbreviation, what does it mean?
In the medical field, the POSHO medical term stands for Post Occupational Safety And Health Officer.
POSHO: Post Occupational Safety And Health Officer
Related Medical Abbreviations
CNL | Cognitive Neuroimaging Laboratory |
FMR 1 | Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 |
HBAL | Human Biological Anthropology Laboratory |
MEMA | Musicians Emergency Medical Association |
MMES | Modular Medical Expansion System |
MOA | memorandum of agreement; mechanism of action |
NEH | National Eye Hospital (Egypt) |
PQL | Practical Quantitation Limit |
RMRF | Regenerative Medicine Research Fund |
VCP | Vaginal Contact Point |
WTOE | Over- Expressors of Weight Plan |