What does the medical abbreviation PYF stand for?
The abbreviation PYF may have a few different meanings. However, what does PYF mean in medical terms?
PYF medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?
In medicine, the medical abbreviation PYF stands for Protect Your Family (From Lead in Your Home).
PYF: Protect Your Family (From Lead in Your Home)
Related Medical Abbreviations
CSCD | Center for Sickle Cell Disease |
CSNP | Clinical Site Nurse Practitioner |
DATOS | Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Study |
FEFANA | European Feed Additives Manufacturers Association |
GIV | Genomic Island Visualization |
HISR | Health Information Systems Research |
IARC | International Agency for Research on Cancer |
IMER | Institute For Medical Education Research |
IMVA | International Medical Volunteer Associations |
PSU | Pathogen Sequencing Unit |
WM | White Male |