What is the medical abbreviation MWAS?
In some cases, there may be more than one meaning of MWAS. However, what does the medical term MWAS stand for?
What is the MWAS medical abbreviation?
In medicine, the medical term MWAS stands for MAKER Web Annotation Service.
MWAS: MAKER Web Annotation Service
Related Medical Abbreviations
CAA | Commonwealth Anesthesia Associates |
CBVH | Casco Bay Veterinary Hospital |
CCOP | Community Clinical Oncology Program |
CRGH | Centre for Reproductive and Genetic Health |
MGMM | Measurement Guided Medication Management |
OPZONE | Optimum Zone |
PMH | Past Medical History |
PRRE | Pupils Round, Regular, and Equal |
RPPS | Repatriation Private Patient Scheme |
RTRC | Rehabilitation Technology Resource Center |
gc | gonococcus (gonnorhea germ) |