What does the medical abbreviation C&S mean?
The C&S abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what does the medical abbreviation C&S stand for?
C&S medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?
In science & medicine, the medical abbreviation C&S stands for Culture and sensitivity, performed to detect infection..
C&S: Culture and sensitivity, performed to detect infection.
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BR | Bed Rest |
DDIF | Drug Delivery Intelligence File |
DIAL | Distributed Information and Automation Laboratory |
ECMO | Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation |
IAOPT | Institute for the Advancement of Orthopedic Physical Therapy |
JVTC | Jaipur Veterinary Training Center |
LQTS | long QT syndrome |
NAFA | Nurse Anesthesiology Faculty Associates |
PMDA | Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency |
RRM | Restorative Reproductive Medicine |
SALSA | Screening Activity Limitation And Safety Awareness |